Many clients come to me lamenting about their last presentation. When I ask: Did you rehearse? They usually say, No or Not much or Maybe too much.
Illustration by Melinda Beck.
Why don't presenters rehearse? The reasons I hear are: No time. Or I don't know what to do at a rehearsal. Or I rehearsed but it didn't help.
If you only adopted this one practice you could greatly improve all your presentations. What is it?
Take time to rehearse. Even 20 minutes can help.
A rehearsal doesn't need to be three hours. Rehearsing for even 20 minutes can help you clarify your message so you stop rambling. You'll also notice if you're using jargon or shouting in a "presentation voice" rather than a conversational voice, like the voice you use when you're talking to a friend.
But what do you do at a rehearsal?
If you're unsure how to use your rehearsal time, try this:
Book time in the room where you'll be presenting, if possible.
Stand on the stage with feet hips-width apart.
See the audience in your mind's eye and present to them.
Take a belly breath.
Speak aloud and practice your open, your transitions and your ending.
To help you remember these Dos and Don'ts, here's another illustration by Melinda Beck.