What do cheese cubes have to do with your elevator speech?

I've only introduced myself once in an elevator. How about you? That's why I don't like the term "elevator speech." And more than that, I don't like that word "speech" either because:

A good elevator speech is NOT a speech. It's the beginning of a conversation. 

Which means you can ASK QUESTIONS and LISTEN as part of introducing yourself. This is just one of the lessons I cover in my latest interview on the kNOwBOX dance podcast. See below

Podcast host Martheya (Nygaard) Scott is an excellent interviewer. Not only does she ask good questions but she knows how to draw out her interviewees (in this case, me!). If you’re looking to up your game as an interviewer or podcast host, watch the full version to see Martheya in action.

So, tell me, have you ever introduced yourself in an elevator?

Do you have a favorite question you like to ask someone you're just meeting to start the conversation?

I'd love to know.