You do more public speaking than you think

Did you ever think of video conferencing or leading a wedding ceremony as public speaking? These are just two examples of venues that clients have had me coach them for. Here’s who I’ve helped so far this summer:

  • a top salesperson learn to incorporate stories into his sales presentations

  • a well-regarded leadership coach teach a workshop at a national conference

  • a cohort of advanced writers present their writing in a public performance

  • a California technology expert lead a wedding ceremony for her best friend

  • a Washington nonprofit leader invigorate a stump speech

  • a New York City artist re-imagine website content

  • a Midwest academic transform a dry talk into a performance at an international conference

  • a writer refine the pitch for her first book... and many more!

Want to present with authenticity, clarity and warmth? I'd love to help you discover what's possible. Contact me to schedule a free consult. 

Photo by Chelsea Petrakis