You know that feeling of “All Eyes on You”? It goes by many names: performance anxiety, stage fright and butterflies in your stomach, to name a few.
Join this conversation with Gigi and author and illustrator Susi Schaefer whose book “All Eyes on You” is not only gorgeously-illustrated but a wonderful primer for people of all ages who suffer from frozen legs, shallow breaths or sweaty palms when they find themselves on the stage with all eyes on them.
Schaefer created the book for children but the lessons are the same ones Gigi teaches to adults as a public speaking coach. The simple instructions and delightful illustrations take the sting out of public speaking anxiety.
Buy Susi Schaefer’s latest book, All Eyes On You, wherever books are sold or here.
For out more about Susi Schaefer.
Watch the 1-minute trailer:
Watch the 23-min episode:
This is the book cover and an example of Susi Schaefer’s delightful illustrations.