Terri Trespicio’s TEDx talk from 2016 is nearing 8 million views. If you want the story behind this award-winning writer/speaker’s explosive following and learn how Terri keeps her cool on big stages, listen or watch. Her TEDx became her recent book, Unfollow Your Passion: How to Create a Life that Matters to You. In this episode we dive into two chapters with public speaking tips that can be applied to nervous speakers everywhere.
Join me for this hilarious and energizing chat where we cover: Why you need to trust the audience before they trust you, when you must memorize and how to sound conversational even when you’ve memorized the script. In my favorite moment, Terri reveals her secret for launching every presentation like you’re a rocket ship.
Find out more about Terri:
Listen to the “Gigi Presents” podcast on your favorite platform here.