Making a toast, many years ago. Photo by Larry Stillman
It's almost New Year's Eve and, wherever you are, it's likely you're going to make a toast tonight. If you weren't planning on it, I encourage you to rethink that and give one to whomever you're with tonight.
Not only is a toast a meaningful ritual to add to any gathering, it's also a great way for you to practice public speaking.
But what do you say?
A few clients have told me that they don't like giving toasts because they never know what to say. So, here's a simple formula:
Think: past - present - future
If I were going to make a toast right now, to you, my newsletter subscriber, here's an example of what I would say:
[picking up a glass] "I'd like to make a toast!"
[past] "It's been a year! I appreciate you for being a subscriber, some of you for more than 12 years. Wow. Thank you."
[present] "It's always a pleasure thinking of ways I can help you stand up and speak up, in all kinds of situations."
[future] "I'm wishing you health and happiness and humor in 2023 and more than that, the bravery and chutzpah to stand up and speak up."
Cheers! L'Chiam! Cin Cin!